Colchester 1600 centre lathe 1650mm Between Centres 265mm over saddle with taper turning attachment.
Churchill cylindrical grinder 1000mm bed 180mm max diameter
Abwood surface grinde·r
Sensitive bench drill with 12.5mm diameter chuck
Power saw up to 300mm diameter
Marking Out table 4270mm X 2160mm
We have a Skilled Machine Tool Fitter on site for stripping, welding & refurbishment.
We also have the capability to shrink fit diameters up to 1400mm
Full inspection capabilities, including on machine Renishaw probes x 3 measuring equipment and bore scope/camera with capability to view up to 6000mm down bores with smallest diameter at 5 5mm.
16 Tonne & 20 Tonne cranes with up to 7 metre lift height